Speed Optimization

Your website page loading speed is as important as having a good looking, usable website. Faster websites have following benefits...

Higher Conversion: Faster looking website's have higher conversion ratio than their counterparts. According to research by KISSMetrics, 40 percent of users will abandon a website if the page load time exceeds three seconds. This could be a loss of tons of traffic and money!

Search Engine Ranking: Google has announced that they are taking page load speed as a factor to calculate the ranking. Don't let your page load speed ruin your hard work in SEO

Adwords Quality Score: If you're using Google AdWords, page speed is also used as a factor to determine ad quality score. Increase your ad quality score by increasing your page load speed. The higher quality score means lower the Cost Per Click (CPC). Spend money on page speed and save multifold on AdWords costs.

User Experience: The Internet made it possible that everything is just one click away! The longer your visitor have to wait for a page to load, there is more probability they will navigate away from your site. Don't let this happen to you. On contrary, the less the page load time is the more engaging the visitor will become.

You will get...

  • Your site will be get A score on Google PageSpeed and YSlow
  • Install of needed plugins to speed up your website
  • Setup CDN for your website
  • Setup Caching for your website
  • Minify Javascript and CSS assets
  • 30 days of one on one support

Provide us with...

  • FTP and Hosting Control Panel Info
  • WordPress Admin Info


Speed Optimization

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Support: 30 Days Revisions: 5 Times

Terms & Conditions

As concisely as possible, just a few rules we have to follow, so that everyones happy!


100% advance payment is required for all fixed priced services.


Fixed pricing services are not refundable.
We will refund 100% of advance amount if the project is canceled by us.


Revisions are complimentary for fixed price services. Any major revision outside of the original terms of service may incur additional charges.

Time Frame

By ordering service, you're agreeing to provide all necessary details and follow up with progress to make sure project is completed within one week


30 days of support via Email after project is done.